Sleep And Health

Sleep Well For Better Health
If we want our body to function efficiently, we need to give it the rest that it needs. Our bodies need this rest so they have the energy to perform all tasks from running to digesting food.
With the busy lifestyles we looked at before, this can be a problem for some.
It may be that you finish work late at night and have to try to fit in your training program.
If this is the case, you need to remember a few things-
Always keep in mind that you do not have to train every day. This will take the pressure off somewhat.
You may be able to train earlier in the day, maybe fit in a training session of some sort at lunch time or before work. Many gyms these days are open very early in the morning until late at night, in some cases they are 24h gyms.
This can be a tough call but it is always possible to fit in training sessions if you really want the results.
It is also important to remember that if you do push yourself too much, you may open yourself up to the risk of injury. So this is all about balance.
The best advice I can give on this is that you as an individual should "listen to your body" You will know if you need to rest and you will know if you have not done enough. The more you get involved with training and exercise, the more these factors will become apparent.
If you have not trained before and do have a busy lifestyle, it may be a good idea to talk to your doctor before starting a program. Especially if this will affect your rest periods. I will admit that getting enough sleep can be difficult though.
People can have problems sleeping. This can be detrimental to their metabolism boosting goals. Experts believe that people with insomnia for instance actually lower their metabolism as their body has not got the energy to digest food, so their metabolism slows to a crawl. This can leave an insomniac feeling very lethargic and tired all of the time.
If you do have trouble sleeping, there are a number of things that you can try.
Try not to train late at night. Training before you go to bed can "Wake you up". Your body will come alive and be ready for exercise, it can take a while for it to "calm down"
You could try having a hot bath
You could have some warm milk
It is a good idea not to eat before you go to be if you are having trouble sleeping.
You could even try something like yoga. If you can get relaxed before you go to bed, this will help a great deal.
(This is an excerpt from one "Your Metabolism, The Key To Losing Weight")
Available on the Amazon Store
By James Atkinson


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