“Whatever is going to happen will happen, whether we worry or not.” ~ Ana Monnar
Worry – a seemingly innocent five letter word that delivers a big punch.
If you’re anything like me you might worry like it’s a second job. Worry involves anticipating an unpleasant future event and this anticipation sends us into a spiral of avoidance, fear and anxiety.
We worry about everything from whether coffee is good or bad, if we will get that promotion, and what diseases the future has in store for us.
The unfortunate part is that this all consuming gig doesn’t pay in money; it pays in stress, unhappiness, anxiety and inner turmoil.
Like a hive of buzzing bees these habitual thoughts swarm our minds creating an illusion of a reality that usually stings much worse than anything that actually does happen.
It can feel almost unbearable waiting for these future outcomes to transpire.
Sometimes our worries are small and manageable and pass but sometimes worry becomes a chronic default setting. When we worry chronically it become second nature to live in this revved up space of anxiety and restlessness.
Know that you’re not alone; chances are if you are breathing you are likely worrying.
So instead of replaying the same old worries day after day why don’t we look at how to stop worrying and start living peacefully?
Stop Worrying and Start Living
1. Take time for silence
We need to first understand why we worry – worry comes from unpleasant thoughts that our mind manifests. When we follow these thoughts we tend to dwell, fixate, exaggerate and obsess.
Through silence we can become acquainted with these thoughts and through practising mindfulness and meditation we can change these thoughts.
2. Get rid of stuff
Minimalism is a way to put a stop to the gluttony of the world around us. We live in a society that prides itself on the accumulation of stuff; we eat up consumerism, material possessions, clutter, debt, distractions and noise. But material possessions are things we can lose, and with that comes worry and stress.
By adopting a minimalist lifestyle you can throw out what you don’t need in order to focus on what you do need.
3. Give yourself a safe space
Whether your safe space is a room designed for yoga or meditation or simply your bedroom or office, the point is it should be relaxing, a place where you can close the doors to the outside stressors and just breathe.
4. Create a budget
Even though it may seem like you will never have enough money you need to stop stressing about it. One way to stop worrying about money is to gain some control over it. Create a budget and follow it.
5. Carrying a schedule – organize your time and self
When you are overextended you are being flung in every direction, and when that happens you’re not really following through on anything or doing anything particularly great.
This ignites stress; we want to be perfect for everyone all the time. Make effective use of your time; learn how to say no, set a realistic schedule and forget about the expectations others project onto you.
6. Stop being influenced by media
The media can make us feel like we are not thin, rich or successful enough. It also instils fear of war, disease and even coffee. The media can be a fear based breeding ground for worry
7. Be rational
Ask yourself, “Are my worries realistic?”
8. Exercise
Exercise releases endorphins, this make the brain feel good and reduces the body’s stress hormones.
9. Express gratitude
Stop worrying about things that may or may not happen and start being thankful for the things you have right now. Developing an attitude of gratitude can transform our states of mind. Spend a few minutes each day, listing things for which you are thankful.
10. Trust yourself
Do you worry about whether you are on the right path or going in the right direction? Get quiet so that you can hear the small voice deep inside of you. Your inner GPS won’t steer you wrong.
Simply tune into your inner compass – it is guiding you in the right direction.
Remember these things:
Worrying accomplishes nothing
Remember these things:
Worrying accomplishes nothing
Worrying is bad for you
Worrying is the opposite of trust and peace
Worrying puts your attention in the wrong direction
When worry does grab a hold of you these fun tips can help stop it from snowballing:
• Listen to music
• Go to a party
• Read a book
• Have a movie night with your friends
• Go camping
• Have a family outing
• Spend a day at the beach
• Go to a party
• Read a book
• Have a movie night with your friends
• Go camping
• Have a family outing
• Spend a day at the beach
Take a relaxing cleansing breath – aaahhhh. Feel the stress float away.
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