What Makes for a Successful Relationship?

It is when two people make a commitment to each other they begin to refer to themselves as a couple. For many the next step may well be getting married. Their hope is that they will be happy together. Here are five ingredients that are important to creating togetherness happiness.
1. See each other as having equal worth
By equal worth I mean that they see each other as having equal value as human beings. I am not talking about who brings in more money. I am referring to creating a relationship that is based on respecting each other as equal instead of setting up a hierarchical structure. In such situations one is invariably more worthy than the other.
2. Enjoy each others company
Be friends and enjoy each other. Accept each other as being unique yet make sure you have enough in common that you can share. Friends treat each other well and like spending time with each other.
3. Be open to change
Change is an inevitable part of life. As we age some of our views and interests change along with having to deal with the demands that life brings. There has to be flexibility in the relationship in order to absorb and adjust to these changes.
4. Say what you mean and hear what is being said.
Talking with each other and listening to each other are vital to relationship happiness.
The more one focuses on being the best person one can be the easier it becomes to weather struggles which come up in all relationships.The goal both people have to keep in mind is that the solution they arrive at is supported by both.
5. Develop shared intimacy
Intimacy consists of emotional and physical closeness. It comes from both people behaving in a love worthy way while being committed to the partnership they have forged. Love grows when two people enjoy being together. A successful relationship has to be infused with new energy in order to stay vibrant and provide togetherness happiness.
I invite you to visit http://www.kristinavonrosenvinge.com for more ideas on how to build healthy relationships. It is my belief that building a strong personal foundation is vital to creating togetherness happiness.


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