Is Arrogance Important For Your Success?

It is generally accepted that a modest person has an inner confidence that doesn't need to be flaunted. They possess a strong character and are usually popular amongst friends and colleagues.
The modest person though could actually be hindering their chances of further success by their fear of becoming or being perceived as arrogant. Let's face it; most of us tend to find arrogant people hard to put up with. It's understandable that a modest person would not want to fall into that trap.
We are often told as youngsters not to show off or be a big head - But often it's the show off's and the big heads who are the one's that go on to be hugely successful. They are the people who have and display a real self confidence that they can achieve anything they put their minds to.
Modest people can be so afraid of being viewed as arrogant that they actually hinder their chances of personal development and success by becoming blind to their own abilities and talents.
They convince themselves that they are not confident or skilled enough to achieve the level of success that an arrogant person wouldn't even doubt themselves on for a second.
Confidence is a common denominator in all successful people, and many of these people display a certain level of arrogance. They all show an awareness of their own achievements and self belief and are proud to talk about their credentials.
The definition of arrogance is having or showing an exaggerated opinion of one's own importance, merit or ability. The point to note here is - 'exaggerated opinion'. You will find nearly all truly successful people have absolutely no need to exaggerate their achievements to anyone.
All they have done is keep their thoughts of success at the forefront of their minds and developed a confidence and level of self esteem that convinces themselves of their ability to win in the areas of life that matter to them the most.
Being the modest person, trying to suppress their outward showings of confidence and success are actually risking damaging their self esteem. Self esteem is a vital component of confidence, and ultimately success.
If you find yourself struggling with your own levels of self confidence, and acting modestly around people, maybe it's time to take a risk and adopt a slightly more arrogant attitude and opinion of yourself.
Be proud of your achievements and don't be afraid to show people you are a confident person with healthy self esteem. No one can accuse you of being arrogant unless you show an 'exaggerated opinion' of yourself.
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